Microjob Engine
Quickly find a reliable seller to get things done
John wants a logo for his business. With MicrojobEngine, you can help John find a lot of people who have good design skills after a single click. John just needs to select the best one.
Simple one-step search
Search by keyword, filter by categories and tags. With only a single click, buyer can find what he wants.
Reliable reviews & ratings
Read other buyers’ feedback, and see the sellers’ portfolio. It’s now easier to choose the most talented and reputable seller.
Sell professional services & earn more
Jessica is a designer, and wants to earn extra money with her design skills in her free time. With MicrojobEngine, you can help Jessica build a reputable profile, offer impressive services and reach more customers.
Impressive service detail page
Informative service description, intuitive sample pictures. Reliable ratings, buyer reviews, and sales figures.
Beautifultly-crafted profile page
Simple and beautiful profile info. Sellers can control all services they provide in their profile page.
Get connected & make order from anywhere
With MicrojobEngine, John and Jessica get what they want and are satisfied with it. John can create custom orders, and send direct messages. In return, Jessica will be able to deliver the best design.
Create any custom orders
John wants more than what Jessica offers? Don’t worry. Buyers can customize their order requirements to get things done in the most perfect way.
Only get the best of it when we communicate
Talking to each other will help sellers fully understand buyers’ requirements.
Experience 2 beautiful layouts built for your business
One is green, one is blue. Pick your favorite and start the interesting
journey to explore how MicrojobEngine works for you.